Echoes of Contemporary Art in China
场地 | Venue
Hong Art Museum, Chongqing
展览日期 | Exhibition Dates
2024.11.26 - 2025.2.28
开幕式 | Vernissage
2024.11.26 | 2 PM

Heinz Trutschnig, born April 16, 1964, in Kötschach-Mauten, Austria, is a prominent surrealist artist currently based in Pielachtal, Lower Austria. Initially trained in graphics, Trutschnig’s artistic journey evolved through caricature to acrylic and oil painting, where he found his niche in surrealism. Embracing the notion that destiny guides the willing, Trutschnig rapidly rose to international acclaim, establishing himself as a leading surrealist of our time.
His career began with local exhibitions in Lower Austria, gaining momentum as he showcased his work at notable art fairs like ART Salzburg and ART Innsbruck. His breakthrough came with an exhibition at the Shanghai Art Fair, where he attracted significant attention from major art figures, including Mr. Hui Xui, a key Asian art expert who signed him to his Beijing gallery. Trutschnig’s work was highly praised, earning him the moniker “the 35,000-euro man” in the press.
Trutschnig is also known for his commitment to social causes, supporting projects like Karlheinz Böhm’s “Menschen für Menschen” to aid those in need in Ethiopia. His paintings, characterized by vibrant colors and intricate details, create a surrealistic world where dreams and reality intersect, reminiscent of Salvador Dalí. Trutschnig’s meticulous technique, including hand-made frames and a traditional 15th-century priming method, ensures the enduring quality of his art, embodying the timeless nature of creativity.
海因茨·特鲁茨尼希的艺术生涯迅速取得了国际认可,使他成为当代最杰出的超现实主义艺术家之一。他以执着和不懈的努力登上了艺术的顶峰。起初,他在下奥地利的本地画廊举办展览,随后他的作品在如“ART Salzburg”和“ART Innsbruck”等重要艺术博览会上展出。在米兰,他的作品首次展出,随后也引起了广播和电视的关注。
他的国际突破发生在上海艺术博览会/画廊Artodrome LDX上,那里展示了他在世界最大艺术画廊中的作品。与中国重要艺术专家徐慧(Hui Xui)会面后,特鲁茨尼希被立即签约至北京的艺术画廊。上海市市长韩正也对他的作品给予了高度评价,媒体称他为“35,000欧元的艺术家”,并称赞他征服了国际艺术界。特鲁茨尼希在柏林也受到了广泛欢迎,并计划前往马耳他和纽约。
他还积极参与社会公益项目,与其他艺术家如约西·普罗科佩茨(Joesi Prokopetz)和阿里克·布劳尔(Arik Brauer)合作,支持像卡尔海因茨·贝姆(Karlheinz Böhm)的“人道救助”项目,筹集资金帮助埃塞俄比亚的弱势群体。